Prevention of Childhood Obesity | Causes of Childhood Obesity | Obesity In Childrens |

causes of obesity in children

 Nowadays, due to the change in our lifestyle, the problem of obesity in children is also increasing.  Nowadays children are also becoming victims of obesity.  This change in their lifestyle, their eating habits, they are many such things which are giving rise to obesity in them.  Later, this obesity gives rise to diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, and many other diseases for them, which can prove to be very dangerous for our coming generation.

Why is there a problem of obesity in children?

Eating habits.

The biggest reason for obesity in children is their eating habits.  Nowadays, children who use junk food, it increases their obesity problem more.  Nowadays, children have started consuming a lot of chocolates, sweets, dishes, and other types of beverages which increase obesity and which are high in calories.  It was each other's sightings.  If anyone has a child, If he eats the things of high calories or eats such thing which is pleasing to the mind of the children, then even more children who see them will eat the same kind of things, due to which the calories become more inside them and they become fat. We have to keep an eye on the eating habits of our children.  We have to motivate them to use healthy food instead of junk food.  Only then can we curb child obesity.  Otherwise, this problem will increase even more.

Lack of interest in physical activities.

In most cases, it is seen that children who have less interest in physical activities or they do not take much interest in sports.  The problem of obesity is more in such children.  Whatever they eat starts getting stored in their body in the form of fat, due to which they become more fat.  Our appetite is also controlled by physical activities and the harmful substances of the food we eat are released through sweat, due to which we feel fit and the problem of obesity in our children is reduced.  Physical activity is an effective way to reduce obesity.  if we inspire our kids for play and Increase their attention and involve them in physical activities, then their obesity can be controlled. Sports is a better way to reduce obesity.  Inspire your kids to jump and play.

More use of chocolate products

Most of the chocolate is used by children.  About 75% of the chocolate produced in the world is consumed by children only.  This is a very dangerous thing because due to the high calorie in chocolate, it produces obesity.  It increases the level of calories in our body and reacts in our body in the form of obesity.  That is why at least the use of chocolate can be found to control obesity. Excessive consumption of chocolate increases obesity.  That's why don't give your kids too many chocolate products.

junk food

Burger, Pizza, Chinese food, and many other similar products fall under the category of junk food. Along with producing obesity, junk food also creates the risk of cancer.  Nowadays, there has been a craze among children to eat junk food.  Children do not like nutritious food at home and they are attracted towards junk food quickly because there is a lot of taste in eating junk food and due to this taste, children are attracted towards junk food quickly.  They are unaware of the reaction happening in his body. Junk food contains a lot of trans fat which increases obesity very quickly and causes cancer for us.  Too much junk food makes our digestive system weak and gives us many diseases.  That's why as much as possible, you should stay away your child from junk food.


Stress is also a big reason for increasing obesity.  Due to stress, there are some such reactions in our body, which our body becomes clumsy and calories start accumulating inside us, due to which our weight starts increasing. This problem is now seen in children too. Many times children get stressed about something, either that stress can be due to studies or something that they cannot do and other children can do.  Due to this, their body starts reacting. They are in a state of stress and they become a victim of obesity due to not being able to do much physical activity.  Stress not only affects our body but also our mind.  That's why one should avoid stress as much as possible and indulge yourself in daily activities.

What to do to protect children from obesity?

Take time out for your children.

Take some time out for sports for your kids.  Make them practice daily activities.  Find some new ways of sports for them and make them practice physical activities daily. Due to which the enthusiasm to play will awaken in them and they will be attracted towards the game.  Due to this, their obesity will be reduced or obesity will never come on them.  That is why sports should be a part of our life.  Play is a very essential thing for children.  Without play, children are not able to grow, due to which they become a victim of obesity or may also be a victim of any other disease.  Take time out for your children.  Play games with them and make new exercises which are related to sports.

Make the habit of eating healthy food in your children.

Motivate your kids to eat healthy food.  Make some good nutritious food for them at home.  Which is also tasty to eat so that they can avoid junk food and food made from harmful substances sold in the market.By inculcating the habit of feeding your children healthy food, you can save your children from the problem of obesity.

Make children aware about the harm of junk food.

Make your children aware about the harmful effects of junk food and how it harms their body.  If you make your children aware of junk food, then they will never be attracted towards junk food or they will not consume junk food in excessive quantity. You should explain to your children about the reactions caused by junk food so that they are never attracted towards junk food in the future and focus their attention towards the nutrients and eat them only. By doing this, you can save your children from the serious problem of obesity. And if you do this, then it will be the biggest gift for the future of your child, which will be useful to him throughout his life and his health will remain good for the rest of his life.
